The Ultimate Guide to Finding Relief for Dry Mouth in Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sjogren's Syndrome is a chronic autoimmune condition that primarily affects the body's moisture-producing glands, leading to symptoms such as dry eyes and dry mouth. Dry mouth, or xerostomia, is one of the most common and bothersome symptoms experienced by individuals with Sjogren's Syndrome. The lack of saliva can not only be uncomfortable but also lead to other oral health issues such as tooth decay and gum disease. Finding relief for dry mouth is essential for maintaining oral health and overall well-being for those living with Sjogren's Syndrome.

Causes of Dry Mouth in Sjogren's Syndrome

Factors contributing to dry mouth in Sjogren's Syndrome include:

  • Damage to salivary glands due to autoimmune response
  • Inflammation of salivary glands
  • Medications used to manage symptoms of Sjogren's Syndrome
  • Dehydration

Ways to Find Relief for Dry Mouth

1. Stay Hydrated

Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day can help alleviate dry mouth symptoms by keeping the mouth moist. Sipping water frequently can also aid in swallowing and digestion.

2. Use Saliva Substitutes

Over-the-counter saliva substitutes can help mimic the function of saliva and provide relief for dry mouth symptoms. These products come in various forms such as sprays, gels, and lozenges.

3. Chew Sugar-Free Gum or Lozenges

Chewing sugar-free gum or sucking on sugar-free lozenges can stimulate saliva production and alleviate dry mouth. Look for products containing xylitol, which can help prevent tooth decay.

4. Avoid Trigger Foods and Beverages

Certain foods and beverages such as caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods can worsen dry mouth symptoms. Avoiding these triggers can help manage the discomfort associated with dry mouth.

5. Use a Humidifier

Adding moisture to the air in your home or workspace with a humidifier can help keep mucous membranes hydrated, including those in the mouth. This can reduce dry mouth symptoms, especially during sleep.

6. Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Regular brushing and flossing are essential for preventing oral health issues associated with dry mouth, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Consider using fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash to help protect your teeth.

7. Avoid Tobacco and Alcohol

Both tobacco and alcohol can contribute to dry mouth symptoms and increase the risk of oral health problems. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption can help improve saliva production and overall oral health.

Medical Interventions for Dry Mouth

1. Prescription Medications

Your healthcare provider may prescribe medications such as pilocarpine or cevimeline to stimulate saliva production and provide relief for dry mouth symptoms. These medications can help manage severe cases of dry mouth in Sjogren's Syndrome.

2. Salivary Gland Stimulation

In some cases, procedures such as salivary gland massage or stimulation may be recommended to increase saliva flow and alleviate dry mouth. Your healthcare provider can demonstrate techniques for you to perform at home.

3. Dental Treatments

Your dentist may recommend treatments such as fluoride varnishes, dental sealants, or special mouth rinses to help protect your teeth from decay and erosion caused by dry mouth. Regular dental check-ups are essential for monitoring oral health.

4. Moisturizing Oral Products

Using oral moisturizing products such as gels, sprays, and mouth rinses specifically designed for dry mouth can provide immediate relief and help maintain oral moisture throughout the day. These products are available over-the-counter and can be used as needed.

5. Lip Care

In addition to dry mouth, individuals with Sjogren's Syndrome may experience dry or cracked lips. Using lip balms or moisturizers can help keep your lips hydrated and prevent discomfort associated with dryness.


Finding relief for dry mouth in Sjogren's Syndrome is essential for improving quality of life and maintaining oral health. By incorporating lifestyle changes, utilizing over-the-counter remedies, and seeking medical interventions when needed, individuals with Sjogren's Syndrome can effectively manage dry mouth symptoms. Remember to consult your healthcare provider or dentist for personalized recommendations tailored to your specific needs and concerns.