Tag Archives: natural remedies brownsburg

Simple Home Natural Remedies From Brownsburg for Thrush

More and more thrush victims are discovering the benefits of using natural remedies instead of drug-based drugs. Here you can find out why, along with three simple home remedies for thrush that are very popular and effective. But first, let's look at the causes of thrush.

Natural remedy for thrush

Here are 3 simple home remedies for thrush that you can try.

You can contact our office for more information about natural remedies from Brownsburg.


Natural medicine 1

Use raw garlic, which has excellent antifungal properties. Consumption of garlic every day helps overcome candida in the intestines. For local symptoms, crush a peeled clove into a fine paste and apply it to the area. Inside, you can make a tampon with garlic by wrapping the peeled cloves in muslin or a similar cloth. Leave it overnight.

Natural medicine 2

Plain yogurt is very popular. Unsweetened yogurt without additives such as fruit or coloring contains beneficial bacteria that can help control the Candida fungus. So shower every day to add good bacteria to your gut. And like garlic, you can use it locally. Just brush the surroundings. You can also smear a plain tampon with yogurt and leave it overnight.

Natural medicine 3

Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic. Take a bath in a warm low tub in which two or three drops of tea tree oil are mixed. Some people feel they can sting a little. If the burn is too severe, simply rinse the area with cold water until the sting is gone. Do not continue with this natural remedy.