An Overview Of Colon Cancer

At the bottom of the colon, there is the presence of a large intestine. This type of cancer is an overgrowth of cells that occurs in this area of ​​the intestine. It usually starts as a small group of benign cells known as an adenomatous polyp. These polyps can ultimately reveal colon cancer. This cancer affects more than one hundred thousand people every year.

At first, when they are small, polyps show very few symptoms and there may be no symptoms at all. Routine screening can help identify these polyps early before they become cancerous. However, you can also visit to get the diagnosis of your problem before it’s too late.

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Colon cancer symptoms cause notable changes that alert you to see a doctor. The most common signs of this type of cancer are diarrhea, constipation, stomach cramps, fatigue, weight loss, and/or rectal bleeding.

Although blood in the stool can be a cause for concern about cancer, it can be linked to other medical conditions or even caused by the food we eat. Extra iron and medications to relieve diarrhea can also cause blood in your stool. Whenever cell growth and reproduction change, cancer is suspected.

Cancer cells grow irregularly and divide more often than normal cells, leading to tumor growth in these areas. Although anyone can get this cancer, people over the age of 50 are more likely to get this cancer. Other risk factors for colon cancer include genetics, other bowel diseases, diet, obesity, smoking, family history of colon cancer, alcohol use, inactivity, diabetes, radiation, and growth hormone disorders.