Tag Archives: supports

What is the MOSI foot orthotic?

Foot orthotics are commonly used to manage a variety of foot problems from overpronation and collapsed arches to plantar fasciitis and other causes of heel pain. The research evidence shows that they usually are pretty good at fixing most of the disorders as long as they are indicated for that problem, Foot orthoses often get used to support the foot, when support of the foot may have nothing to do with the condition that the person might have. This can lead to them being misused and incorrectly blamed for treatment failures. The other problem is that there are various sorts of foot orthoses and also within each kind of foot orthotic, there is an pretty much unlimited variation in the design features which can be integrated into them. If even one of those design features is not right for the person, then the likelihood of that foot orthotic helping is probably reduced. For this reason the choice of the different designs is actually based upon the experience and expertise of the clinician.

The medical professional will decide on the design features necessary for the individual and if the device needs to be custom made for the individual or if a premade cheaper foot orthotic can be used. With regards to custom made orthotics, the podiatrist needs to take a plaster cast or laser scan of the foot locked in specific positions for the foot orthotic to be made on. When it comes to the style of the device various elements are evaluated. For example, if the patient has posterior tibial tendon dysfunction, then something like a MOSI type foot orthotic is needed. The MOSI has specific modifications to deal with the variety of issues that occur in that disorder. If the problem is related to a lack of impact absorption, then the orthotic should be designed to support that. The range of options is endless and depends on the condition present and the experience of the treating clinician.