Tag Archives: Qualified Assault Defense Attorney

Hire A Qualified Assault Defense Attorney In San Francisco

An assault can be defined as a forceful exhibition of physical or mental torture inflicted by a tormentor on the accused. Either through physical contact like bruises, beaten or severe physical attack or through other methods like threat calls, misdemeanors or outright felony. So in these cases, you must consider consulting an assault lawyer and know whether you stand a chance with a case or not.

Assault Lawyer is often faced with many cases of assault or battery which the lawyers precede with utmost care. You can also contact Gasner Law to hire a qualified assault defense attorney in San Francisco.

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In case a person is arrested on charge of any assault, then the lawyer tries to reduce the term of punishment as they like to establish the fact that the violence occurred due to self-defense. The accused will then be asked to plea for guilty or not guilty and depending on the available evidences, the jury decides whether they are guilty or not guilty.

In case, if it is you who have faced the assault or battery, then it is advisable to contact a criminal lawyer and discuss your case. The Assault Lawyer would first run a check on the available assets of the accused which would be able to cover the damages of the victim.

Then the Assault Lawyer would represent you in a civil court and attempt to scoop up the damage cost inflicted on you due to the assault. The compensation award might include the cost of treatment, the loss of wages, compensation due to loss of future earning power and finally claims for the pain and suffering during the treatment.

The Assault Lawyer is very patient and careful while filing the lawsuit against the accused. The success rate mainly depends on the amount of relevant details of the assault and the expertise of the Assault Lawyer.