Tag Archives: margherita pizza

Pizza’s Short History – A Well Known Dish In The World

Pizza is a traditional Italian food usually prepared with dough(pizza base) and topping(cheese, oregano, chili flakes, meat, veggies, etc). It is a very popular Italian dish eaten and made in almost all countries. In this article, I will discuss a short history of pizza. 

You can order the best pizza in Dubai by clicking at: MARGHERITA (Small AED 35,-) – Pizza Sabbioni. 



How much can you understand about pizza? You probably eat it every day or at least, every week. But have you ever wondered what it is today?

The first kind of pizza is referred to as fokashia (meaning fire in Latin), a flatbread that was prepared with different herbs, olives, raisins, honey, and nuts.

Pizza is a horizontal bread

Any level bread or pie that has been roasted or fried is called pizza. The first form of pizza came from Naples throughout 1700. In 100 decades, Naples has been popular due to this dish. Originally, he predicted it was Lagaini which evolved into Pikia. This flatbread is garnished mainly with olive oil and anchovies and cooked in an open fire.

Pizza reaches the King of Naples

The very first pizzeria began in Naples, but many chefs failed pizza because it was called the food of those less lucky. However, as the year 1770 approached, the mixture of tomatoes and pizza aroused the Royalists' interest. The King of Naples, Ferdinand I Bourbon, liked the taste of this simple dish and declared that it should be contained in the palace menu, in addition to his son Ferdinand II, that utilized the Dominico Testa to make pizza ovens at the palace.