Tag Archives: kidney specialist doctor

What about Kidney Cleansing?

Renal clearance is a very important treatment solution in the field of alternative medicine. It is important to remove toxic waste gathered in the kidney but most of all, it dissolves kidney gemstones.

Kidney cleansing techniques involve drinking juices, taking supplements and different herbal treatments. Another essential technique is kidney cleansing fast. Another important technique is rapid renal clearance. If you want to get the best pre- and post-kidney transplant care in San Antonio then Texas Kidney Care is the best option for you.

Fasting provides relaxation to the vital organs of the human body. Whenever going through the kidneys cleanse fast, the renal system you will get a break from the daily routine.

What about Kidney Cleansing?

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This allows the renal system to perform damage control exercise. Periods of rest principally used to repair damaged tissue. Throughout the rapid cleansing, herbal teas can be used for the leaching of toxic waste.

Certain preparations need to be done, before going through the kidneys cleanse fast. You need to reduce the food you eat for a few days before the start. This needs to be done to prepare your stomach for fasting.

When you get closer to the fasting day, drink plenty of fluids. Fresh fruit juice diluted in water tension is the most useful. Never drink canned fruit and go only with 100% natural fruit juice. Herbal combinations can also be used in the whole kidney cleansing fast. This combination should be taken together with fresh fruit juice.

The natural combination of celery and parsley does wonder for the rejuvenation of the renal system. To make this drink, take one-and-a-half liters of sterile water and add a serving of one cup of parsley and celery leaves. Boil the whole thing for fifteen minutes and simmer for ten minutes.

What You Need To Know To Become A Kidney Transplantation Donor

If you are suffering from kidney disease, your situation might get to the point where you and your doctor decide that it is time to seek a kidney transplant operation. At that time, finding a kidney transplant donor will take on utmost importance. What You Need To Know To Become A Kidney Transplantation Donor

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You probably already know that finding a donor is not as simple as many people think. Beyond that, a good friend or someone is willing to offer one of their kidneys for you will be the next best thing. Collectively, all these people are considered to be a living donor.

There are also cases where people have died from an accident. They may have previously agreed to donate their organs after their death. Act of kindness and charity is of the highest order as a donor kidney transplant will now be able to keep other people alive.

Before any operation can be started, there are some tests that need to be done. There are many components of the blood and usually, the individual components are not exactly from donor to recipient. One key to a successful operation is to have a perfect match between the many components as possible.

The more matches, the better the chances for a successful operation. Finally, the cross-match test involves mixing the donor blood with the blood of the recipient.

 A negative result means that compatible blood while a positive result means that the recipient's blood contains antibodies that will fight cells from the donor … not good. 

After a kidney transplant operation has been successfully made, the patient should be supervised by a physician very carefully.